Behavior Modification System
Our trained and experienced Residential Treatment Coaches are based in seven different locations throughout Spokane and Spokane Valley, providing exceptional Behavioral Rehabilitation Services (BRS) care to our youth. We proudly utilize known treatment modalities to assist clients in meeting their individualized goals.GOALS
Once a week, the clients and staff join together to map out short-term goals. Clients formulate goals for themselves, each other, and even the program staff. Throughout the following week, the staff encourages clients to follow through with the individualized goals through problem solving, planning, and critical thinking. Some examples may include improving anger control, increasing personal hygiene practices, learning to successfully communicate emotions verbally and improving self-awareness.
A monthly activity calendar is created for each program and its respective clients, allowing them to be active in the community. While our outings remain structured and closely supervised, they are also wonderful in allowing the youth to enjoy different cultural and fun activities within our area. Several clients qualify for our Walk the Program where they are able to go on 2+ hour walks independently through gaining trust and demonstrating their ability.
Program Managers and Supervisors calculate client earnings each week in order to determine allowance amounts. They are given the opportunity to work to earn this spending money and the amount is solely determined based on our point system, what has been earned rather than what is taken away.
PNW Helping Hands embraces a system based around positive reinforcement for pro-social behavior. It is proven in successfully providing structure, while simultaneously taking away the opportunity for a power struggle. Clients hold the power for what color they are on every shift depending on what they have earned. Colors also reflect the privileges and outings that have been earned for that shift.
PNW Helping Hands is a Behavioral Rehabilitation Service (BRS) provider for the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) of Washington State. We currently have six BRS locations throughout Spokane and Spokane Valley. We also have two Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Programs that provides support and care for children with disabilities. We work with youth ages 7 to 17 years old in a group home setting.
We are proud to offer our youth techniques, coping skills, and mentoring to build self-worth and overcome past events and traumas. Structure and routine, in a supportive environment, enable positive behavior development.
Holistically Empowering Lives Every Day!
PNW Helping Hands has been providing services since March of 2007
To learn more about our services, send us a message!

COA Accredited Since 2019